The play is about what English people sing everywhere and at anytime.
We saw this English play about music in the meeting room this morning with
our class and our teacher .
Our favorite character was the character played by Henriqué because he is hilarious and our favorite scene was when Chloé watered the spectators.
Glyn Jones lives in Saône et Loire . It takes him between one and two months to write the script of a play. It took him a few years to create this performance
because there are lots of things and beautiful props to make. He earns 600 euros when he performs but he spends about 300 euros to pay for the props, the travel expenses, hotels, restaurants, etc…
We liked the play becaused we laughed all the time, it is extremely funny.
Nesrine et Florian
Glyn Jones’s play
On Tuesday the 13th October 2015, the students of College La Platière attended the play « The Great English Song Story » performed by Glyn Jones in the meeting room.
Our favorite character is Chloé because she’s funny, crazy and original. She was the policeman of the play.
My favorite scene is when Glyn Jones puts a stange hat in Océane’s hand and Chloé watered the hat.
Glyn Jones is a bald, slim and tall man. Glyn Jones is a playwright. He lives in Saône et Loire. Some students played a part in his performance.
Célia and Océane
The Great English Song Story
The Great English Song Story is an English play we saw on Tuesday 13 October. It was performed by Glyn Jones in the meeting room.The play is about English songs.
Our favourite character is Dixon because he made us laugh a lot and our favourite scene is when Sergeant Pudding dressed Océane. It made us think of a scarecrow. Glyn Jones lives in Saône et Loire next to Cluny in France, he writes and makes his plays alone.
The show is really good because it is crazy, very original and the characters are extremely hilarious. We loved it very much .
The Great English Song Story
The play is about music and dance in England. The actors
made us laugh a lot. Our favorite characters were Henrique and Thomas.
Sergeant Pudding pointed to Henriqué with a long hand he has made : this was our favourite scene.
Benjamin and Alex
The Great English Song Story
3°1 and 3°2 have attended a show in the meeting room.
The show is about English people who like singing. Our favourite actor is Thomas because he made us laugh a lot when he danced with a pompom. It was very funny. Our favourite scene is when Chloé sprinkled the audience. There were five pupils who participated in the show : Thomas, Safia, Clhoé,Henrique and Océane.
The play is really excellent and it made us laugh a lot. Sarah and Valentine
The Great English Song Story
We attended a play in our school in the meeting room on the 13th of October 2015. The pupils could take part in the play : two boys and three girls participated. The play is about famous characters such as the Beatles, the Queen of England, Winston Churchill…
Our favorite character is mister Pudding because he was so funny and very nice.
In our opinion, the best scene was when the pupils were kings of England.
Glyn Jones is an English actor. Now, he lives in France .
He loves his job. Safia and Mylène

The Great English Song Story :
The show took place in the meeting room at 11:30 a.m.
Our favorite character was Glyn Jones because he plays very well and he made us laugh a lot. Moreover we think he has a lot of experience.
Our favourite scene is when Glyn Jones hits Thomas because it’s so funny and hilarious .
I asked Glyn Jones if he likes performing with pupils and he answered it is a challenge.
To us the play is very good and the actors have played well and they made us laugh a lot. The play is sometimes quite crazy or strange .The play is so typically British !
Erwann and Leana
The Great English Song Story
« The Great English Song Story » is a musical about music and the history of England. We saw the musical in the meeting room at Collège La Platière on Tuesday 13th of October.
Our favourite character was the policeman who was very funny. He made us laugh a lot. He used lots of puns on words and tricks.
Our favourite scene was when Glyn Jones sang yellow sumbarine by The Beatles because we love this song and The Beatles.
Glyn Jones loves his job because this is his passion, and he loves doing the scenery and using his skills. He lives in Saône et Loire.
With Coline, we are crazy about this play. It’s very funny.
Coline & Alban.
The Great English Song Story
We watched a play in Collège La Platière in the meeting room, on the 13th of October 2015.
Our favorite character is the Queen of England . Our favorite scene is the scene with the fireman . He made us laugh a lot.We liked the songs particularly the song by the Beatles.
Glyn Jones lives in Saone et Loire in France.
In our opinion the play is extremely funny.
Miriem and Charles.
The Great English Song Story
We watched a comedy this morning in the meeting room of school la Platière, with 3°1 and 3°2. The comedy told us the story of English songs. The best actor is Thomas because he is very funny. The best scene is when the actors put their heads in a hole and become kings of England. Glyn Jones has been an actor for 38 years.
Timothée + Bilel
The Great English Song Story
This morning, with my class and my teachers, we watched a play called « The Great English Song Story », by Glyn Jones, in the meeting room.
It was about England, the great fire of London and it refered to lots of famous English people and famous English songs.
My favorite character was Dixon because I played this part and it was really nice.
My favorite scene was when I watered the public, it was funny !
Some information about Glyn Jones :
he was born in England, and he was a little bit more stressed than for the other play because it was a new play. It took him a few years to be ready to perform this play.
In our opinion, it was really nice, the audience was great and I enjoyed to play a part.
Chloé and Jennifer