London story
My favourite character is Mathias because he danced oddly. My favorite scene is when Ethan and Mathias are royal guards and when the firecracker explodes. Mister Glyn Jones has been an actor for thirty-five years and he loves his job.
I like it because it was extremely funny especially when he hit Jimmy.
The play is fantastic and funny.
David M.
London story
Glyn Jones chose this profession by chance but ultimatly he loves what he does, he is a funny actor, he likes props, he is crazy about jokes, he loves annoying our classmates, it makes the audience laugh. His plays are often about England, London and the Queen of England .
I’m crazy about Jimmy because he made me laugh, he is a nuisance and he gets hit but he always starts again.
Loïs B.
London Story
On Tuesday 14 October Mister Glyn Jones came in Collège la Platière to perfom a play « London Story » in the meeting room.
My favourite character is Jimmy because he is a nuisance and he is very funny.
My favourite scene is when we can hear the traffic noises and when the terrorists of the IRA make a bomb explode.
Glyn Jones is an ctor living in Saône et Loire. He did shows all over France.
Glyn Jones is English. I am crazy about this play because the show is typically British and is very funny.
Clémence L.
London Story
On the fourteenth of October, we were at the meeting room, for a show in
English : London Story. The actor’s name is Glyn Jones. He played the play.
My favorite character is Jimmy, because Alban played well.
My favorite scene is when a firecracker exploded because we were not
expecting it.
Glyn Jones is an actor, he is fifty-eight years old. He likes being an actor, he did the show.
I liked the show, the actors and the comedy. Anaïs
This performance was in English. The play took place in the past, in London during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It told the life of queen’s guards.
My favourite character is the queen Elisabeth II because she is beautiful.
My favourite scene is when the queen’s guards danced because it was funny.
Glyn Jones is elderly because he has been an actor for thirty-five years.
He did most of the scenary and costumes himself.
The performance was very well, it was funny and very well played.
Mélissa M.
On Tuesday 14th of October, there was a play : London Story in collège La Platière. This is a one-man show in English by Glyn Jones . There are many characters : - A sergent called Chris mas pudding,
- A colonel,
- A milkman,
- A road sweeper,
- A post-man,
- A doctor,
- The Lord mayor of London,
- The queen,
- Two queen’s guards,
- And Jimmy : a nuisance.
The play took place in London because I heard London’s noises. Glyne Jones played the part of Chris mas Pudding, of colonel Custard, of the milkman, of the road sweeper, of the post-man and of a doctor. My favorite character is Jimmy because he made me laugh with his wig. My favourite scene is when the queen knights two queen’s guards.
Glyn Jones likes coming here. For his plays he does not look for humour at once.
I liked the play.
London Story
We were in the meeting room, on Tuesday the 14 October, for a play called London Story.
My favourite character is Jimmy because he is funny.
My favourite scene is when the firecracker exploded because everyone jumped.
Glyn Jones is the main actor , he is fifty-eight years old.
The play takes place in London.
The play is good , is very funny , everyone has laughed a lot.
Marie S.
London story
On Tuesday 14th October mister Glyn Jones came to our school
Collège La Platière and performed a play : « London Story ».
My favourite scene was when the queen’s guards danced because it
was funny. Glyn Jones lives in Saone et Loire, I like Jimmy because he
is a nuisance. Glyn Jones is funny.The costumes are beautiful.
Théo T.
London story
On Tuesday 14th of October mister Glyn Jones performed a play . The play was funny . He did puns on words . The play took place in the meeting room .
My favourite character is Jimmy because he played well. My favourite scene is when the guards spent two years on duty outside Buckingham Palace .
Glyn Jones lives in saone et loire, the costumes are nice and he is 58 years old.
The play is very good. In fact I would like to see it again .
Hugo P.
LONDON STORY : The funny one man show
LONDON STORY is a show by Glyn Jones. The play took place on the fourteenth of October. In the play, there are a lot of characters as :
– a sergeant called Chris mas Pudding
– a colonel called Custard
– a milkman
– a road sweeper called rogue
– The Lord Mayor of London
– The Queen
– two queen’s guards
– Jimmy...
My favourite character is Jimmy because he is funny, excellent and this is a nuisance to be shouted at by the actor.
My favourite scene is the scene with the firecracker because it is AMAZING !
Glyn Jones has been an actor for 35 years and he lives in Saône-et-Loire in the East of France.
I liked the show because it is original, great and often funny.
Jacques J.
London Story
On Tuesday 14 October we participated in the show of Mr Glyn Jones.
I really enjoyed this show, our classmates have participated.
My favorite actors are the queen’s guards because they are very funny.
They danced.
My favorite scene is the scary scene with the firecracker.
Glyn Jones is an amazing actor, it’s very funny.
Sofiane A.Z.
London story
On Tuesday the 14 (fourteenth) of October, in the afternoon we had a
show ! The actor was Glyn. The audience participated in the show. The play was beautiful, the costumes and the props too.
My favorite characters were the Queen’s guards and Jimmy they made us laugh a lot ! My favorite scene was when my classmates drove cars and Sergeant Christmas Pudding directed the traffic. Glyn Jones is fifty
– eight years old, he lives in Saône et Loire in France. He likes his job.
Maëva G.
London Story
We saw a play on Tuesday 14 October in the meeting room.
It was amazing.
My favourite characters were the queen’s guards because they were amazing with their coats.
My favourite scene was the scene of the road sweeper because Rogue was funny .I was scared because the firecraker was surprising.
Glyn Jones is a funny man. He is 58 years old, he always makes pupils participate because he says it’s the best. He hasn’t got another job, he makes the scenery and the puppets .He performs all over France .
This performance was good, I keep a good recollection of London story
Myriam B.
A very funny play
On Tuesday 14 of October we watched a play called ”London story”. Glynn
Jones had written the story and he invited some pupils to join to become
actors. 4 boys and 3 girls helped him : Alban, Matthias, Loïc, Ethan, Amélie, Naïs and Myriam. Alban was Jimmy, Matthias and Ethan were the queen’s guards, Loïc the Lord Mayor of London, Naïs the queen, Myriam was Daisy and Amélie turned the pages of a book. The scenery and the puppets were made by Glyn Jones. Glyn Jones transformed into many different characters, he was very crazy and he was an excellent actor.
We thank F.S.E because the play was really great.
Maxime C.
London Story
His name is Glyn Jones, it’s funny. This is an original comedy, it’s funny. He is
fifty-eight years old. Glyn Jones explained us why he has chosen to do this job. He loves his job as an actor. He likes to play with the audience. He makes the scenery, it’s well done. He speaks in English. We were in the meeting room.
Julie D.
London story : the play
I saw a play by Glyn Jones at collège la platiere on Tuesday 14 of October.
This actor is 58 years old . His name is Glyn Jones.
It was a funny time and I liked it.
I liked Queen Elizabeth and I am crazy about Jimmy.
I love the props, the scenery and the actors.
Matthew D.C.
London Story
On Tuesday 14th October, Glyn Jones came to introduce a play « London Story ».
The play was crazy and hilarious because the actors were funny with the costumes and props. I saw what I expected : The British flag and a bobby.
My favourite character was Alban because he was funny with the props and Ethan and Mathias (the queen’s guards). My favourite scene was when the queen’s guards stayed in front of the Royal Palace while the Queen had left.
Glyn Jones is English. He is crazy about his job. He made the scenery.
Lucile C.
On Tuesday the fourteenth of October I attended a performance of London story. It was in my school. The actor ( Glyn Jones ) is English ( from Wales ) he was very surprising and cool . My favorite characters were the queen’s Guards because Glyn Jones was a nuisance to them. My favorite scene was with the colonel because he was really funny with his false nose . Glyn Jones makes two hundred performances per year.
Joseph D.
The London story
His name is Glyn Jones. He is fifty-eight years old. This is a beautiful comedy. It’s funny. I like it. I like his humour. The actors are funny and I like Jimmy. He played different characters. I was afraid of the firecracker. The props and scenery are beautiful . The music sounds funny . The actors are crazy
Jérémy A.
London Story : The play
I saw a play by Glyn Jones, at Collège la Platière on Tuesday 14 of October.
The name of the actor is Glyn Jones, he is 58 years old.
I like his humour. He plays with the spectators and it’s good, it’s funny.
My favorite character is Jimmy because he is very funny and Glyn Jones played with him.
My favorite scene is when Glyn Jones annoys the Queen’s Guards and when they dance.
The play London Story is a comedy that tells the story of a British police officer in London when Queen Elisabeth II reigns . My favorite character is the police officer because he is a good actor . My favorite scene is the end. I didn’t like this play . The play took place in the meeting room . The actor is called Glyn Jones
Arnaud P.
A wonderful play : London Story
We saw London story on Tuesday 14th of October.
My favorite character it’s me because it’s amazing. I danced with my friend. I have played the part of a queen’s guard.
My favorite scene is the dance with my friend and the scary scnene with the firecracker.
Glyn Jones is a hilarious actor, excellent. He lives in France in Saone et Loire. He performs all over France.
There were 7 actors.
Ethan C.
The show took place in the meeting room.
London Story was funny, there were six people :
2 queen’s guards - A sergeant
A doctor - Jimmy
Daisy - A colonel
My favorite character is Jimmy because he was very funny .
Noheila A.