Collège au cinéma
Dans le cadre de Collège au cinéma, les élèves de 3° sont allés voir le film O’Brother. Avec leur professeur d’anglais, ils ont travaillé sur cinq thèmes. Voici leurs commentaires (en anglais) :
POLITICIANS IN O’BROTHER are Papy O’Daniel and Homer Stokes.
Papy O’Daniel is a big , little and grumpy man. At the end he is dancing next to the Soggy Bottoms because he is happy.
Homer Stokes is a tall man with sunglasses. He belongs to the KU KLUX KLAN . Homer uses a dwarf.
This film is good because it is very funny.
Helpful vocabulary :
grumpy = grognon
belong to = appartenir à
a dwarf = un nain
There are two main politicians :
Papy O’Daniel
Holmer Stokes
Their personality :
First, Papy O’Daniel has got a good production of flour for cookies. He prepares his campaign with his son and two other people against Holmer Stokes. He is strange .
Then, Holmer Stokes is the boss of the Ku Klux Klan . He doesn’t like black people . He is protestant . He also prepares his campaign with a dwarf against Papy O’Daniel .
Holmer Stokes makes politics, but not with black people. People don’t know it. Papy O’Daniel makes politics for everybody.
The film shows negative aspects of politicians. This is every man for himself. And these men are strange.
a dwarf = un nain
every man for himself = chacun pour soi
Damien, Laura, Rémi, Eva
We are going to talk about politicians in O’Brother.
First, the two mains politicians are Pappy O’Daniel and Homer Stokes...
Homer is wearing glasses. And Pappy O’Daniel is big.
Finally Stokes is very bad at politics, he shows negative aspects of politics. But, Pappy O’Daniel is a better politician because he uses kindness with his electorate.
To conclude, Pappy O’Daniel is a better politician than Homer Stokes.
Helpful vocabulary :
kindness = gentillesse
electorate = l’électorat
Léa and Manon