Collège La Platière
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Collège La Platière de THIZY-LES-BOURGS

I nice cup of England (2013) : opinions d’élèves 3èmes1
Article mis en ligne le 17 décembre 2013
dernière modification le 16 décembre 2013


 A Nice Cup England

The play called « A Nice Cup of England » was performed on Monday, 14th October. It took place in the meeting room at Collège « La Platière ». The play was written and performed by Glyn Jones. Amel played the part of Mrs VeryEnglish. She was wearing a blue skirt, a jacket with flowers, a red handbag with a dog inside. She held a baby and a feather duster in hands. She was wearing a white and black hat on the head. Aya played the part of the Queen. She was wearing a skirt, a white jacket, a necklace and a hat. We liked this play very much. It was rich in vocabulary.

Alicia et Nolwenn

 Tuesday, 15th October Article about the play « A Nice Cup of England »

The play « A Nice Cup of England » was performed in the meeting-room. The actor Glyn Jones played the part of the main character : Reginald Smithers. And the secondary characters were Aya (The Queen of England), Ercan (Mister Veryenglish), Amel (Mrs Veryenglish), Clément (The Patient) and Rudy (The medical assistant).

Our favourite scene was when Aya was dressed in Queen of England (She was wearing a kilt, a crown and a waistcoat) .

Our opinion on the play A Nice Cup of England is that this play was great because it was amusing and interesting. It also symbolizes England . To conclude the actor wants us to think about British humour and the English way of life .

Written by Théo L. and Clément M.

 On Monday 14 October we saw a play called : "A nice cup of England" in the meeting room. It was performed by GLYN JONES. We were able to participate in it : three boys and three girls : Ercan played the part of Mister very English, Amel played the part of Mrs very English, Aya played the part of the queen, Clément played the part of the patient, Rudy played the part of the medical assistant. We liked the play because it was funny.


 A Nice cup of England A Nice cup of England was performed on Monday, October 14th at Collège La Platière.

Ercan was disguised in Mr VeryEnglish, Aya in the Queen and Amel in Mrs VeryEnglish. There was also Glyn Jones and Sir Winston Churchill. All of them were funny.

Ercan is my favourite character because he was wearing a moustache and one cap and he looked so funny.

My favourite scene is the one with the doctor and the one when the dog is biting the queen because it was hilarious.

We have liked this play very much because it made us laugh.

To conclude, I think it is unusual and representative of British humour .

Laurent C. and Jocelyn N.

Help : the dog is biting = le chien mord

 A Nice Cup of England The play took place on Monday 14 October in the school La Platière.

The Queen Elizabeth was wearing a skirt, a jacket, a collar, a hat. She was waving and greeting the audience with her hand. The dog has bitten the Queen ’s hand. This is why Glyn Jones kills the dog. Our favourite scene is the one in the restaurant : it was funny because Mr.VeryEnglish strikes Glyn Jones because he has eaten a bad chicken and a bad frog.

We loved the play because it was so funny !

Journalists : Aya and Lorine


The play was performed on Monday 14th October, in the meeting room.The main actor is Glyn JONES, he plays the part of many characters : -The doctor who is wearing a white coat, a mask and glasses.He is operating the patient who has swallowed a thermometer. The patient is Johnny Halliday. -The waiter who is wearing a shirt, a waistcoat and a tie. He served the couple, Mr and Mrs VERYENGLISH, but she didn’t like the menu and hit the food , Mr VERYENGLISH killed the frog, Freddy. Glyn JONES made 6 pupils participate in the play : 3 girls and 3 boys. The play is funny and interesting because pupils are playing.

Cloé C. and Rachelle D.


A Nice cup of England is a great play. It took place in the meeting room on 14 October 2013 from 11:10 to 12:25. The actor took volunteers to help him. Glyn Jones is a great actor who played the part of a lot of different characters in the play. The various characters in the play were : Mr. VeryEnglish, Mrs. VeryEnglish, Queen Elizabeth, Johnny Hallyday, the medical assistant and Dr. Smithers. My preferred character was Queen Elizabeth. I also like Sir Winston Churchill and Johny ’s operation. My opinion is that I really love the play. Baptiste R. et Rudy M.

 Article about A Nice Cup of England

On Monday, 14th October, we attended the play « A Nice Cup of England » in the middle school « LA PLATIERE » . There was an actor who made pupils participate. 6 pupils performed the play with him. The author’s name is Glyn Jones . He was wearing suits and made his assistants wear some too. Our favorite scene is when the assistants and the actor are disguised in a funny way. We have liked this play because it was not very difficult to understand and it was also made in a funny way. HUGO T., KEVIN M.

 On Monday, 14 October from 11h15 to 12h25, we watched the play A Nice Cup of England in the meeting room.The actor who performed this play is called Glyn jones. My preferred scene was the one when the queen greeted and when the medical assistant and the doctor operated the patient who had a stomach ache. We liked this play very much because it was funny especially when Mr.VeryEngligh and Mrs.VeryEnglish imitated hens. Mathieu P. et Kyllian V.

 On Monday, October 14th, we had the opportunity to discover a play from 11:15 am till 12:30 am in the meeting room. The actor is called Glyn Jones, he is 57 years old. We were able to participate in the play. Three girls and three boys played the parts : The queen= Aya, Mr. VeryEnglish= Ercan and Mrs. VeryEnglish= Amel, the medical assistant =Rudy, the patient= Clément, and the girl who pulled the thread to move Sir Winston Churchill’s mouth =Rachelle. We have no favourite scenes. This play didn’t appeal to us very much even if we laughed a lot. SANDY D. AND CAMILLE P.