Collège La Platière
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Collège La Platière de THIZY-LES-BOURGS

I nice cup of England (2013) : opinions d’élèves 3èmes2
Article mis en ligne le 17 décembre 2013


 Monday, 14th October

A Nice Cup Of England- The play takes place in the 21st century , the title of the play is : A Nice Cup Of England and it takes place in England. 1)There is the Queen of England , She is representative of England and she is very important for English people . 2)There are some very English people : a girl and a boy who wear English clothes (a hat , a tie , a skirt , an umbrella …) 3)Winston Churchill : he refers to the History of England. 4)There are two doctors and a patient who is very ill. 5)and there is also the dog Spot
 My favorite scene is when the doctors took off the intestine of the patient and when the actor gave chocolate candies to the spectators .
 The play is very funny and nice. It is representative of British habits and of British humour.

Alexandre D. and Christophe C.

 Monday,14th October

A Nice Cup of England

The actor is Glyn Jones. The play was performed in the meeting room. There was Queen Elisabeth. There was a dog, his name was Spot. And he bit Elisabeth and a girl. First, Glyn Jones is wearing pyjamas, then he is putting a hat on. He is a great actor, he is fifty seven years old. He is British but he lives in France. My favourite scene was when Glyn Jones was a doctor, and he operated a patient. It was a good play.The play was very funny.

Mikael S.

 Monday, 14th October,

A Nice Cup of England Collège La Platière 69240 Thizy

• At the beginning, Glyn Jones was wearing blue pyjamas. Afterwards he was wearing a waistcoat, trousers and brown shoes. • The Queen was wearing a checked skirt and a white jacket. • The English man was wearing a black jacket, a black hat, a tie and he was having an umbrella. • The English woman was wearing a purple shirt, a navy blue skirt and a white and black hat. She was having a baby, a feather duster and a cup. • Johnny was being sick : a problem of the intestine. • Sylvester was being the assistant of the doctor. He was wearing a white coat. • Winston Churchill was the character of a portrait. He was speaking and singing too. There were six pupils who were playing with the professional actor.

Our favorite scene was the meal. The man and the woman didn’t eat. The cook was very bad. He cooked snails, a frog and a chicken. They were living beings. The actor sang and danced “the dance of the chicken” with the man and the woman. He had two corkscrews. They were two women who danced with him.

This play is interesting because it represents English symbols and it’s interesting for French pupils. In conclusion, we think it was funny and great.

By Camille B. and Clotilde D.

 Monday, 14 October Collège La Platière (meeting room) Thizy 69240

A Nice Cup of England The main actor is Glyn Jones . The spectators were pupils from 3e. Glyn Jones was wearing pyjamas. Then he put a suit on. Our favourite scene is the scene with the doctor . We like the play very much. Mrs Ngague took photos.


 Monday, 14th October


The main actor is Glyn Jones, he is 57 years old. He is not famous yet, he started acting more than 20 years ago. In the play , he was wearing Union Jack socks, British trousers a tie, a shirt and shoes. He played several parts : Crazy doctor, waiter… He has asked the students to participate in the play :

 One student played the role of Queen Elizabeth,

 One student played the role of Mister Very English,

 One student played the role of Mrs Very English.

My favorite scene is when the doctor operates « Johnny Halliday » because it was so funny.

The play is interesting because it shows British traditions. The play was very funny and crazy !

I think it’s great because it was truly funny. In my opinion , Glyn Jones is a very good actor, he was crazy but he is funny !


 Monday, 14th October Collège La Platière

A Nice Cup of England

Reginald Smithers is the main character, he is wearing pyjamas and he is bald. Our favourite scene is the scene of the queen ! The queen is wearing a skirt and a blouse . The play is very funny because the main character is amusing . The author who has written the play is Glyn Jones. He is 57 years old. Smithers calls the audience to participate in the play. The other characters in the play are : Queen Elisabeth, Mr VeryEnglish, Mrs VeryEnglish. LUCAS BUFFIN, NICOLAS VANIER A nice cup of England

 On Monday 14th of October we saw the play : A nice cup of England at Collège La Platière ! The main character is Smithers and he was wearing a tie, a hat, shoes and socks. He is weird. Winston Churchill is present with the actor but he is not real, he is a portrait, he is talkative and he wants people to talk about him. The author who has written the play is Glyn Jones. Smithers calls the audience to participate in his play. The other characters in the play are : Queen Elizabeth II, an English man (Mr. VeryEnglish) with his English wife : a lady (Mrs.VeryEnglish), a waiter, Johnny Hallyday, an assistant of the doctor and the doctor.

The Queen was wearing a skirt, a white jacket , a necklace and a hat. The English man was carrying an umbrella, he was wearing a collar with a tie , a jacket and he had a moustache and a big nose. The English lady was wearing a jacket, a hat, a skirt, a handbag and she had a baby , a dog, a duster, a saucer and a cup of tea. Our favorite scene is when the actor spat on the plate to clean it. We think it’s great because it’s funny, very representative of English humour and there were many English symbols.

he spat = il a craché the plate = l’assiette

Marie C., Constance T.

 On Monday, 14th October we saw A Nice Cup of England in collège la platière in THIZY . Glyn JONES is an actor, he played the part of the main character : Reginald Smithers. The scene with the doctors was so funny. It is my favourite scene. The doctors had white coats, glasses and scissors . The characters were disguised in a funny way . In the foreground there were the actors. In the background there was the scenery. In the middle there was a table and the flag of England . We liked the play because it was extremely funny .

Quentin P. and Romain L.